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Thursday, June 14, 2012
Jacqueline MacInnes Wood to play Sarah Lance on new Arrow pilot!
Our girl Jacqueline MacInnes Wood (Steffy, B&B) has done it again! Check out the new DC Comic Green Arrow pilot, Arrow, set to air this fall on the CW Network. Jacquie plays Sarah Lance, sister of Dinah Laurel Lance. And not to worry, Jacqueline has tweeted that she will not be leaving B&B! (Sorry Steffy haters!)
Thursday, May 24, 2012
B&B Spoilers for May 21-25, 2012
- Caroline explains to Thomas why her family kept their secret
- Caroline and Rick talk
- Thomas tells Caroline his view on Rick
- Bill tells Katie she must have an abortion!
- Brooke wonders if Amber lied about her transgressions
- Rick tells Brooke she was right about Amber
- Hope feels more confident
- Bill sends Alison to plant a transmitter in Dr. Barton’s office to eavesdrop on Hope
- Brooke gives Steffy a warning regarding Hope
- Dayzee and Marcus make wedding plans
- Liam receives an ultimatum from Steffy
- Hope discusses Deacon with Dr. Barton
- Brooke learns Katie's news and is concerned
- Stephanie isn't pleased that Ridge is designing a wedding dress for Hope (this is the second time mind you)
- Justin accompanies Bill to prison to see Deacon
- Stephanie confronts Liam about the choice ahead of him
- Steffy and Ridge discuss Liam
- Feeling betrayed, Hope makes a change to the guest list for the wedding
- Deacon thinks over Bill's proposal
Monday, May 14, 2012
B&B Spoilers for May 14-18, 2012
· Amber cooks up another new plan
· Rick doesn’t understand Caroline's change of attitude towards him
· Brooke goes to confront Liam
· Liam tells Brooke to mind her own business (it’s about time somebody told her!!!)
· Hope finds out why Caroline is avoiding Rick
· Amber expresses her feelings toward Rick
· Caroline has doubts about getting closer with Thomas because of her secret
· Thomas tells Ridge that Caroline is his inspiration for a new collection
· Hope proves to be a hurdle for Amber and Rick
· Caroline invites Thomas to join her for dinner at her parents' place
· Amber is caught and tries to explain to Rick
· Karen and Caroline disagree about the family secret
· Brooke dislikes Amber even more
· Things feel awkward for Thomas
· Bill shows up at Caroline's dinner, which makes everything worse
· Katie gives Bill very unexpected news
· Bill and Justin look for Deacon
· Hope discusses daddy issues with Dr. Barton
· Deacon receives an offer
· Brooke warns Steffy
· Steffy gives Liam a choice
· Hope adds a guest to the wedding
· Rick tells Brooke she was right about Amber (insert Brooke’s I-told-you-so face here)
· Caroline explains to Thomas why her secret must be kept from Bill
· Katie and Bill discuss the future
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
B&B Italy 2012 Update: Jacqueline MacInnes Wood tweets pics!
The lovely Jacqueline MacInnes Wood (Steffy Forrester) tweeted some pics while The Bold and the Beautiful is filming on location in Puglia, Italy! By far my favorite is the one of her and Don Diamont (Bill Spencer). If you're a STILL fan, then you'll love this one:
I wish Brad Bell would reunite these two! <3
Some others JMW has posted:
Cannot wait until these Italy episodes air! So excited to see what drama and problems arise out of this trip. One can only imagine what trouble Brooke, Ridge, Bill, Steffy, Liam, Hope and any others we don't know yet will create. I assume the Liam/Hope marriage dilemma will escalate in Italy...
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Is Hope Logan Her Own Worst Enemy?
I am a firm believer that Hope is way too young and immature
for marriage, let alone a serious relationship with Liam. Her actions as of
lately have proved this. She is young, naive, childish, and living in a
The first time Hope ran away from her problems was when she
caught Liam kissing Steffy on the night of his bachelor party. Instead of
confronting the situation, Hope
overreacted and left Liam’s engagement ring on the mantle and ran home crying.
Of course the next day she came to her senses and realized what a huge mistake
breaking off the engagement was, but it was too late as Liam already turned
around and proposed to Steffy on the rebound(see ‘L’ is for Loser…and Liam Spencer). By then it was already too late as he and Steffy were on
their way to Aspen.
After the huge disappointment of Hope realizing she cannot
marry the man of her dreams (insert eye roll here) because Steffy didn’t sign
the annulment papers, is when Hope starts to crumble. She becomes paranoid that
if she cannot marry Liam right away and be romantic with him, that Liam will go
back to Steffy because of needs. This paranoia was encouraged by Hopes mother
Brooke and Aunt Katie, who advised Hope that you do not have to be married in
order to be with Liam, and that they were “already married in their hearts”, so
everything and everyone else didn’t matter. Brooke and Katie despise Steffy so
much, that they overlooked what the consequences of this action might do to
Hope, and later both admitted they might have given Hope bad advice.
As a result of sleeping with a married man, Hope begins to
see a psychiatrist, which there is nothing wrong with, but Hope should have
stopped pretending to be okay around Liam and be honest with him about what is
bothering her. After all, Liam left Steffy because she wasn’t honest with him
and lied to him. So Hope should know better.
Then there is the whole pill situation. After promising Liam
she was done with the pills and wouldn’t take anymore in order to cope with her
problems, she does. While skiing in Aspen, Hope crashes into Steffy and Steffy sprains her knee. Later that day Hope and Liam have an argument because Hope
took a pill due to paparazzi following her to the house and trying to take
pictures of her through the blinds. I have to give credit to Liam here, because
he actually stood his ground for once. He told Hope, “Since when does the
opinion of strangers matter?” Why wouldn’t she tell the paparazzi to stop
trespassing on private property? Why didn’t she call the police, or call him? He
tells her that if she can’t take a little negativity from strangers, then how
is she going to handle being Mrs. William Spencer the Third? Is he going to come
home one day and find her self-medicated? All of this really hit home for Hope.
Afterwards Liam goes back to the hospital to check on Steffy, and when he
arrives back, there is a note on the door from Hope saying that she’s sorry
that he’s disappointed in her and that she went back to LA.
Seriously Hope?!
Why are you running away from your problems again? I get that you’re disappointed in
that you let Liam down. I get that you want to be on your own to think for a
bit and clear your head. That’s fine. But you
leave a note on the door? Why couldn’t you call him? Why couldn’t you leave
him a message? Why couldn’t you wait for him to come home?
The last time Hope ran away from her problems, rather then
work through it with Liam, was when she broke off her engagement with him. That
resulted in Liam being with Steffy. I have a feeling there will another
consequence of Hope’s recent actions in Aspen as well. After all, Liam did rip
up the annulment papers after Steffy signed them, so maybe they reconciled? Maybe
Liam is having second thoughts about Hope and marrying her?
What are your opinions on this matter? Do you think Hope is
digging her own grave? Is she responsible for the actions that have taken place
so far? Is any, or all of this, Hopes fault? I would love to hear what you
Sunday, April 29, 2012
B&B Comings & Goings for May 2012
- Sean Kanan returns as Deacon Sharpe on May 24
- Crystal Chappell (ex "Olivia", Guiding Light and ex "Carly", Days of Our Lives) joins B&B as Danielle and will be involved in the shows first lesbian story line. She is Caroline Spencer's second mother, hence she is Karen's partner
- Nafessa Williams joins B&B
- Jon Hensley (ex "Holden", As The World Turns) plays the doctor in Aspen for episodes airing May 1 and May 2
B&B Spoilers for May 2012
Upcoming spoilers for this May look interesting! B&B will begin their first lesbian storyline. It also looks like Brooke, Ridge, Steffy, Liam, and Hope all go to Italy...
- Caroline tells Liam and Bill that she has two mothers
- Ridge and Brooke go to Italy, but the drama surrounding Liam/Hope/Steffy puts a damper on things
- Thomas and Caroline develop a closer relationship
- Bill's plan to stop Liam from being with Hope involves the return of Deacon Sharpe
- Deacon's return impacts a former flame (Could this be Brooke??)
- Brooke's plans for Hope and Liam to marry in Italy aren't wholly supported by a doubtful Ridge
- Katie has some big news, and Bill's reaction takes her off-guard
- Brooke and Donna also struggle with Katie's news
- Amber does some crazy things to win Rick's affections
- Rick vies with Thomas for Caroline's attention
- A family secret bothers Caroline, but Karen won't allow her to share it
- Marcus plans his wedding to Dayzee, but still must deal with baby mama, Amber
Thursday, April 26, 2012
'L' is for Loser….and Liam Spencer
For the life of me I can not understand what Hope and Steffy
see in Liam.
Liam Spencer is far from anything special. Sure, he’s a
sweet, sensitive, and down to earth kinda guy. He’s exactly the opposite of his
father, Bill Spencer. Liam pretty much has both girls worshipping the ground he
walks on (how he does it is anyones guess). What frustrates me is Liam’s
wishy-washiness. When he’s with Hope, he is thinking about Steffy and stealing
kisses behind Hope’s back. Fast forward a few months and Liam and Steffy are
married. What does Liam do? Pine over Hope and steal kisses with her behind
Steffy’s back. Few months after that, Liam and Hope are back together again, and
he’s reflecting about his time with Steffy, and of course having a kiss or two
with her behind Hope’s back.
There is no shadow of a doubt that either Hope or Steffy are entirely innocent. Both girls have flaws, have lied, and done things that they have regretted afterwards, all in the name of love to try and hold onto Liam from leaving them for the other woman. However, I feel that Liam always gets a free pass in these situations. Everyone is so bent out of shape defending either Hope or Steffy and why in fact they’re innocent. What about Liam? Most of this mess is because of him! I laugh out loud when I hear Liam talk about honesty and how he hates lies. Liam, is being completely dishonest with both of these women! He has no idea what he wants or who, and is playing with both of their emotions.
And not to mention, Liam was going
to leave Steffy for Hope and was planning to tell her as soon as she woke up!
How cold-hearted is that?! Your wife has an accident, and as soon as she opens
her eyes you plan on telling her that you’re leaving her for another woman.
Bill obviously caught wind of this which is why he went to such drastic
measures to try and save their marriage.
There is no shadow of a doubt that either Hope or Steffy are entirely innocent. Both girls have flaws, have lied, and done things that they have regretted afterwards, all in the name of love to try and hold onto Liam from leaving them for the other woman. However, I feel that Liam always gets a free pass in these situations. Everyone is so bent out of shape defending either Hope or Steffy and why in fact they’re innocent. What about Liam? Most of this mess is because of him! I laugh out loud when I hear Liam talk about honesty and how he hates lies. Liam, is being completely dishonest with both of these women! He has no idea what he wants or who, and is playing with both of their emotions.
Seriously Hope, five minutes after breaking off your engagement
with Liam, Liam takes your ring and
proposes to Steffy! Who does that?! Why do you want to be with someone who
can turn around so quickly and propose
to someone else, especially when that person is Steffy?
And Steffy, pretty much the whole time you and Liam were married,
he was thinking about Hope. Your husband talks about honesty, but he can’t even
be honest with his own feelings. Even in Cabo, his mind kept wandering towards
Hope. And even when you saw Hope in Cabo with Thomas, you tried so hard to keep
Hope and Liam from bumping into each other for the fear that he would run to
her. Of course that backfired horribly. Not only did he see her and start
running after her (via an ATV chase) but afterwards kissed her romantically on
the beach. So Liam… what were you saying about honesty again?
Ladies! Liam is no prize!!
Liam clearly can not stay entirely faithful to either woman.
In my honest opinion, whether you are a Hope or Steffy fan, both girls deserve
way better then Liam (I personally think Steffy and Bill were so hot and
charismatic together, and should be the next supercouple…) What I don’t want
seeing is this triangle going on for the next twenty years like with Ridge,
Brooke, and Taylor! I pray to the soap gods that this won’t happen! There is so
much potential with these characters exploring different avenues, both
professionally and romantically. These three already take up most of the air
time in an already pretty short show, so why the need of history repeating
Liam (Scott Clifton) and Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) on the plane on their way to Aspen
for Aspen Fashion Week.
What are your opinions on this matter? Do you think Liam deserves
either of these two women? Do you want to see this triangle continue for the
long term?
Sunday, April 22, 2012
B&B Spoilers for April 30 - May 4, 2012
- Hope takes another pill because she's stressed about the papparazzi following her in Aspen
- Liam takes Hope skiing not knowing that she is under the influence of pills
- Brooke realizes her daughter is in trouble and is prepared to tell Ridge the truth about Hope's addiction
- Taylor gets a feeling that something is not right in Aspen
- Ridge is torn when he learns what happened between Hope and Steffy
- Taylor and Ridge unite against Brooke over their daughters
- Events take place that cause Liam and Steffy to relive their moments together and this brings them closer
- Hope tries to get her life back on track after she confesses to Liam that she took some more pills
- Steffy makes a sacrafice of love for Liam
- Bill reveals to Allison the true reason why he doesn't like Hope and wants her away from Liam
- Caroline is worried about her family secret coming out
- Liam is deeply affected by Steffy's decision
- Jon Hensley (Holden on ATWT) plays the doctor in Aspen on May 1&2
B&B Spoilers for April 23-27, 2012
- Liam makes plans for fashion week, and he, Hope, and Steffy are all there at the same time
- Hope decides not to be friends with Amber any longer (Good job Hope!!)
- Steffy thinks back on good times with Liam
- Bill resorts to blackmail
- Rick and Caroline walk-in on a meeting at Forrester
- Hope makes an admission to her mother
- Brooke tells Liam to look out for Hope
- Ridge lays down the law to Pam and Donna
- Oliver and Ramona look after making Bill's plan happen
- Steffy has a heart-to-heart with Liam
- Brooke appeals to Bill to leave Hope alone
- Brooke tells Rick about Hope taking pills
- Justin tries to convince Bill not to go through with his plan
- Steffy talks to Ramona about Liam
- Hope panics when she is surrounded by press
- Hope tries to get away from the paparazzi
- Liam shares memories with his wife
- Rick tells Othello to look after Hope
- Steffy and Ramona try to help Hope
Saturday, April 7, 2012
B&B Spoilers for April 9-13, 2012
- Rick and Thomas compete for Caroline’s attention
- Dr. Barton refuses to prescribe more pills
- Hoping to put Hope in her debt, Amber uses a forged prescription online to buy pills
- Dayzee catches Amber acting suspiciously online
- Amber worries when Dayzee warns her about unregulated medications
- Hope’s improved state of mind relieves Rick’s worries
- Amber congratulates herself on helping Hope
- Hope’s bizarre behavior puts her in harm’s way
- Steffy is astonished by Hope’s upbeat behavior
- Liam saves Hope from nearly drowning
- Amber freaks out when she finds out what almost happened
- Amber cozies up to an unwitting Caroline in an effort to seem friendly
- Hope and Liam quarrel
- Liam realizes that Hope has a problem, but thinks it’s just stress
- Hope is caught off guard when Liam confronts her about her mood swings
- Liam discusses his worries with Steffy
- Amber’s advice prompts Hope to confide in Liam
- Liam struggles to control his shock and panic as Hope confesses everything
- Stephanie shares big news with Steffy
- Brooke attempts to reason with Steffy and Taylor
- Jake Maclaine returns
- Donna and Pam find themselves stuck together again
- Dr. Barton reveals shocking information
B&B Spoilers for April 16-20, 2012
- Amber makes a deal with Hope, she will provide pills in exchange for Hope’s support
- Hope’s panicked reaction to a photograph of Steffy with Liam leads her to take too many pills
- Liam discovers an unconscious Hope
- Amber finds herself in the hot seat and worries that her wrongdoing will be discovered
- Ridge challenges Brooke’s motives for pushing Rick and Caroline together
- Caroline grows intrigued with Rick’s soft side
- Amber does what she has to in order to ruin Caroline and Rick’s date
- Taylor pulls out the stops so that Thomas can impress Caroline
- Thomas and Caroline share a kiss
- Pam and Donna embark on their new career at Forrester
- A worried Marcus notices that something is very wrong with Hope
- Bill and Liam argue about Hope
- Hope and Liam find their path to happiness blocked
- Amber learns that the pills she bought on the internet are dangerous
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Hope Logan in the Middle of a Public Scandal
You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
This weeks Bold and the Beautiful had Hope the centre of
attention, but in a very bad way…
While on a surprised request by Marcus to meet him at Dayzee’s,
Hope and Liam arrive separately and agree to keep their hands off each other
while in public. Marcus proposes to Dayzee and she accepts. Hope and Liam are
swept away by the sweet and romantic proposal and filled with happiness, that
they without thinking share a kiss. What they don’t know is that they are seen
by a mother and her young daughter Maggie, who has supported and believed in
Hopes message for her HFTF line.
The mother, visibly upset, actually goes up to Hope and
brings her back to reality. She calls out Hope for being with a married man while
Liam is in the process of going through a divorce. She calls Hope a hypocrite for preaching about morals and values in her
campaign, while in reality she does the exact opposite. The conversation
gets pretty heated with Liam stepping in and defending Hope, and the mother
calls out Liam for being just as guilty as Hope in this whole mess. The woman leaves with her daughter, but not
before saying that Hope is a fraud and committing adultery…
This really hits home for Hope and she becomes very upset.
She excuses herself and takes one of her anti-anxiety pills.
Later on that night Hope’s attitude has done a complete 180
and she is seen as giggly and calm when talking to Liam about that nights
altercation. Liam is baffled and amazed at Hope’s calm demeanor and positive
attitude, and even admitted he was worried that she would be very upset and
emotional. However, Hope’s calm take on the whole situation doesn’t have
Stephanie fooled, because how could someone be so calm after such a verbal
attack, in a matter of only an hour after it happened? Stephanie advises Brooke
to keep an eye on Hope.
What Hope and Liam don’t know is that while they were at
Dayzee’s, Maggie took a picture of Hope and Liam kissing. The next day the
pictures and story is leaked that Hope is with a married man and now Hope finds
herself in a worse position then she was in before. I wonder how the public and all of Hope’s
loyal fans will feel if Hope tries to justify her actions because her and Liam
are “married in their hearts” and therefore what she’s doing is okay?
What’s hypocritical (and there are many) is that just a few
weeks ago she had the nerve to go to Steffy and demand her to sign the
annulment papers, because it’s what was best for “everyone” and Forrester. For
FORRESTER. Um hello Hope…you don’t think sleeping with Steffy’s husband won’t
come out, and won’t have a negative impact on Forrester?!
Suddenly waiting 6 months to be with Liam seems like a fair
tradeoff then being in the spotlight of a public scandal, while being labeled a
hypocrite and adulteress. Don’t you think Hope?
I would love to hear your comments on this issue. Was Maggie's mother way out of line to insult Hope in public and publish those pictures? Or is karma beginning to catch up with Hope?
Friday, March 9, 2012
‘H’ is for Hypocrite, err I mean, Hope Logan
Oh Hope Logan.
If you were to look up the word ‘hypocrite’ in the
dictionary, you would see a picture of Hope Logan beside it. This weeks Bold
and the Beautiful had Hope commit adultery. For the past 2 years, Hope has been
a spokesperson for her Hope for the
Future line, a line that’s about sending a message to young girls that it is
okay to hold out in abstinence, that it is okay to follow your own beliefs and
values, and that you shouldn’t let other people pressure you into something you’re
not ready for.
However, in typical Logan fashion, they’re mantra is, “Do as
I say, and not as I do.”
Hope let her insecurities get the best of her. Her aunt
Katie and her mother Brooke let their hatred for Steffy overpower their love
for Hope. They told her what she wanted to hear, that she and Liam were married
in their hearts and that nothing else mattered. When Hope asked Katie, “What
about my fans?? I can’t betray them.” Katie replied with a “They don’t have to
know what happens behind closed doors”. What a great aunt she is! Remind me to never go to her for advice!
But before Hope goes off to sleep with Steffy’s husband, she
tries one more time to get Steffy to sign the annulment papers. Of course
Steffy said no again, for the hundredth time. That was when Hope decided to add
salt to the wound, by casually telling Steffy that she and Liam were going to
spend their first night together. Steffy held her ground by telling Hope that
if she went ahead with this that she would be committing adultery. Of course
Hope tried to justify that what she was going to do wasn’t wrong, that she and
Liam love each other and would have been married already if it weren’t for
Steffy, and that they were married in their hearts already. Long story short,
Hope goes to Liam’s and they have sex that night.
Sorry Hope. You can try and beat around the bush all you
want, but the fact is, Liam IS STILL MARRIED and you slept with a MARRIED MAN.
Not only did you sleep with a married man, your FIRST TIME was with a married
man! You can NEVER go back in time to change that! You can try and sugar coat
it all you want, but the fact is you slept with a married man, and you weren’t
ready. You tried to be everything your mother is not. You tried so hard to be
the exact opposite of her and to do something good for yourself. But in the
end, you listened to her bad advice and you ended up doing something typical
Brooke would do. It’s sad to see because the morning after Hope is torn up with
guilt for sleeping with a married man, and when Brooke asks her what she wanted
to tell Liam last night, it was “To stop.” Maybe Brooke will realize what she
has done? Nah, that’s wishful thinking.
Hope sleeping with Liam was a horrible way for her to lose
her virginity. She listened to her aunt and mother, who were pressuring Hope
into sleeping with Liam as a way to stick it to Steffy. Hope should have
followed her heart and done what was right for HER, not what everyone else
THOUGHT was right for her. It was bad enough that she was going around telling
everyone and bragging to Steffy, that she was going to sleep with Liam, and
when it actually happened, it was nothing like she thought it would be and now she is
full of guilt and remorse.
What are your opinions on this subject matter? I would love to hear what you think. Do you think Hope is innocent in this mess or not?
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