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Monday, March 23, 2015

Rumor: Will Steffy and Wyatt Hook Up?

Jacqueline Macinnes Wood has confirmed on her official Facebook page that she will begin taping again in April for a much longer stay. The actress says Steffy will be back for a fresh new storyline and that it is time to move on from Liam (finally!), as he has made his decision not to go back to her. By “fresh” could she possibly mean a new, fresh, love interest? Fans were asking her questions on her Facebook page, and someone asked if Wyatt was a possibility, in which Jacqueline replied, “that’s a big possibility”.

 I think a Steffy and Wyatt pairing would be very interesting. They are both alike in many ways. They’re both spontaneous and outgoing, and are not afraid to do whatever it takes to get whatever they want. Wyatt once said he recognizes a type of crazy in Steffy he also see’s in his mother, so perhaps he’ll actually be able to understand her. I also find Wyatt has more similarities to Bill than Liam does, so perhaps Steffy will see something in Wyatt that she also saw in Bill? (Gross?). Steffy and Wyatt also have the same common pain of both losing their unborn baby and then losing their significant other over the loss. They could both commiserate over the loss together and eventually help each other heal in a way they couldn’t with Liam/Hope.

Do you think Steffy and Wyatt will hook up? Do you think they SHOULD hook up? Do you think they could rock n roll and cha cha cha together? What are your thoughts on this pairing? 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

B&B Maya Avant’s Transgender Storyline

It’s been weeks since Maya’s little sister Nicole has shown up on Maya’s doorstep. Ever since she has arrived she has been threatening Maya with telling Rick a secret so big that it will change everything. Rick has praised Maya countless times by saying she is the only woman who has ever truly been honest with Rick. Nicole knows this is a lie and that Rick truly does not know everything about Maya. After weeks of anticipation and buildup, Nicole finally confronts Maya about why she left home all those years ago, why her parents acted as if Maya was never there, and why Maya neglected Nicole and never reached out to her. It’s because…wait for it…. Maya was actually Nicole’s brother, Myron!

What the heck?!

I did not see this transgender twist coming. I actually laughed out loud when Nicole called Maya by her birth name Myron. I know it was supposed to be a serious moment but it just reminded me of all those times Caroline would call Maya Merna and every other name except her actual one. I could just not take the ending of the show seriously and was actually left quite confused. At first I thought this may have been a nightmare Maya was having but it has been confirmed by both Brad Bell Jr. and Karla Mosley (the actress who plays Maya), that this storyline is real and is going full steam ahead. In fact Bell gave an interview to Us Weekly saying that Maya's transgender story is a love story.

In the same interview Karla Mosley also added:
"I didn't expect daytime to be taking on a story like this. As someone who is an artist and an activist I know how important trans issues are — how it's life and death for people at this point. The more that we in Hollywood can help people to understand what it is to be transgender, what that experience might be like for someone, and just to normalize it, I think we have the possibility of really changing some hearts and lives. I think that that's probably part of why they came to me with this — in addition to the fact that it really fits Maya's story in this kind of amazing way that no one could've ever predicted, I think that they also knew that I would be totally ready and willing to talk about these things in an open way."

I can see why Bell is trying to push the envelope and create storylines that are different but also have important social issues. Kudos to Bell to try and develop a story that is relevant to today’s society, however I have some concerns. Maya Avant’s transgender storyline is already creating a lot of buzz and controversy. I have no issues with a transgender storyline itself and I believe Karla Mosley has the talents to deliver a great story, however I’m not sure if the writing is there. I’m not sure if the writing team has what it takes to give this type of story justice. Bell can either deliver a great storyline or totally drop the ball. The story needs to be very carefully written. I already see inconsistencies with the character of Maya that I’m curious to see how they will explain. When we were first introduced to Maya, she was a woman fresh out of jail looking for her daughter. She has always mentioned she did not come from a privileged family. Then how was she able to afford the surgeries and procedures to become and look like a woman? How did she carry a baby to term or was the baby adopted? The baby being adopted doesn't make sense since we've already seen scenes with Maya and the baby’s father shortly after she was released from prison. How could she have been with both Carter and Rick multiple times, and not either one of them suspects something different or unusual? At the very least Maya should at least have a few scars and blemishes from her procedures?

A lot of viewers are voicing their opinions about the story and saying it is not daytime material. Some say Bell is out of his mind and is delusional by thinking he can try and use his soap to educate viewers about transgender issues. People tune in to watch soaps as a guilty pleasure to see romance, drama, and catfights with their favorite characters. If they wanted to be educated regarding certain matters, they would not tune in to a daytime soap opera for that purpose. It seems there are more people against the story then for it, but it is still too early to tell what direction the storyline will go in and the reaction from the fans. 

We want to hear your opinion on Maya’s story. Do you like the direction the character is headed in? Why or why not? Do you think Bell and his writing team has what it takes to deliver a good love story or do you think it will fall completely flat? Share your opinions and thoughts below.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Steffy’s Return a Big Disappointment

I have to say I was very disappointed in JMW’s return as Steffy. It’s been so long since we last saw Steffy on our screens and so much has changed story wise on the show. This was a great opportunity to bring back a strong, integral, central character to shake things up. After all she is Stephanie Forrester’s namesake. I was excited to see the spunky, savy, outgoing, confident, and beautiful Steffy we have all grown to love. I knew I shouldn’t get my hopes up and assume she’ll have an interesting storyline, because she didn’t.

What did we get?

The same doormat that is still pining away for Liam. I don’t understand what Steffy still see’s in Liam. Liam is no prize whatsoever. She was never his first choice to begin with and he has made it abundantly clear he is not leaving Ivy, matter how new their relationship is.

I’m really disappointed that the writer’s gave JMW the same type of material to work with. They always write her as a desperate, pathetic woman, constantly trying to seduce Liam back to her by using their “history” as a justifiable excuse. JMW has stated there was a specific writer she did not want writing for the character of Steffy. I can only assume that this writer is the one who keeps making her act like a desperate fool. No wonder she left the show to persue other opportunities.

The FC takeover storyline Steffy was involved in was also lame from the start. Steffy worked so hard to get her family’s company back from Bill Spencer. She would never betray her family by putting the company back into Spencer hands, whether Liam was at the helm of the company or not. The fact that she put a condition that she and Liam must be an item in order to make the deal is even more ridiculous. She should not be placing the future of her family’s business based on the sole condition that she and Liam must be romantic and business partners. It really makes her look desperate and foolish. Not to mention the proposition has no business fundamentals whatsoever, but this is soap land after all.

For a moment it seemed like Steffy had an epiphany when she was in Liam’s office and professed she still loved him. Afterwards she then said something along the lines of “maybe it’s time for me to move on then” YES STEFFY IT IS FINALLY TIME! Yet the next time we saw her she was at Liam’s in a bikini. Go figure.

The highlight of Steffy’s return was her confrontation with Rick. She made him sweat. She sat in his chair like a boss and put her feet up on the table like she owned it. She said she does love this chair, maybe she’ll want to sit in it someday. I think Rick’s black heart may have skipped a beat.

Dear writers: This actress has talent. Give her something to work with! It’s literally been years that she’s been written as a weak character constantly chasing after Liam. It’s time for her to go into a new direction and finally put Liam and their past behind her.

What do you think about JMW’s short return as Steffy? Were you happy to see her back or were you disappointed by the same recycled storyline? Do you think there is a specific writer on the show who writes her character in a certain way? What direction would you like to see Steffy go in professionally and personally? Share your comments below.