Jacqueline Macinnes Wood has confirmed on her official Facebook page that she
will begin taping again in April for a much longer stay. The actress says
Steffy will be back for a fresh new storyline and that it is time to move on
from Liam (finally!), as he has made his decision not to go back to her. By “fresh”
could she possibly mean a new, fresh, love interest? Fans were asking her
questions on her Facebook page, and someone asked if Wyatt was a possibility,
in which Jacqueline replied, “that’s a big possibility”.

I think a Steffy and Wyatt pairing would be very
interesting. They are both alike in many ways. They’re both spontaneous and
outgoing, and are not afraid to do whatever it takes to get whatever they want.
Wyatt once said he recognizes a type of crazy in Steffy he also see’s in his
mother, so perhaps he’ll actually be able to understand her. I also find Wyatt has
more similarities to Bill than Liam does, so perhaps Steffy will see something
in Wyatt that she also saw in Bill? (Gross?). Steffy and Wyatt also have the
same common pain of both losing their unborn baby and then losing their significant
other over the loss. They could both commiserate over the loss together and
eventually help each other heal in a way they couldn’t with Liam/Hope.
Do you think Steffy and Wyatt will hook up? Do you think
they SHOULD hook up? Do you think they could rock n roll and cha cha cha
together? What are your thoughts on this pairing?
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